Wednesday, July 8, 2009

4th of July in the Mountains....

We went to Charlotte for the weekend and on Saturday we drove up to the mountains for the day. The weather was great and a good time was had by all. It has been a few years since we have been up to the Blowing Rock area so it was great to be back and really would love to go spend a little more time up there....SOON! :-)

I was anxious to have the opportunity to take 'the camera' on this journey! I hit a milestone while on this trip...I have taken 10,000 (over now) photos with my new (December) camera! You think I like it? I hope you enjoy looking at them as much as I enjoy taking them. :-)

Red, White and Blue...everywhere!
Cool pic...looks like a flower
Cute... :-)
The Mast Farm in Valle Crucis, NC.
(Remember this Dana G?)
Inside the Mast Farm...such a cool place!
The back porch of the Mast Farm...the guy in the middle is dancing!
A quaint church on the side of the mountain.
One of my favorites of the day...a view from inside the church.
Probably my most favorite pic of the day! ;-)

Pops and Gramma in front of the church.
and my other favorite of the day.
Beautiful view...
Great fireworks...
A perfect ending to a perfect day!


Dana said...

Beautiful photos Mrs. Photography Genius! I totally remember that store...such a great ceiling. If I remember right, we bought Kyle some really yummy fudge candy. I wish I could come for another visit soon. I remember that drive through the beautiful it is spiritual.
Miss you guys!

Kelli said...

Stunning photos!! I live in SC too. Upstate. Love it.