Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Bug of the week...(sorry Gramma)

Actually, it is a spider and it looked like a piece of corn! The camera could not focus on her because she was well camouflaged.
Memaw is out of town so it maybe days before we know what she is...
In the meantime, enjoy her beauty! :-)
Side note: Memaw (MIL) loves to research the bugs and Gramma(step-mom) can't stand to read about them. It's hard to keep all happy. The bug thing was really an accident but now I keep finding things I have never seen in my 42 years!
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Anonymous said...

My son would love you...he's WAY into all things bug-related. lol

Anonymous said...

I think it's a flower spider(misumenops) or a crab spider, but not sure. I really can't see it that clearly. That flower hides him well.

Anonymous said...

Glad the family entymologist is home so she can take the heat offa me. Thanks, Memaw, for your input! Truth be told, I think both Memaw and I like the pix of Hayden far more than the pix of the bugs!