Tuesday, August 5, 2008


Hayden had her bottom braces put on yesterday and now we have what is called a 'full' set! Last Thursday, she had a new arch wire and a 'chain' put on the tops (see how the blue rubber bands are all one piece?). She is about the most pain tolerant person I know! After the chain was put on they said she would be in pain and need motrin therapy and she just said her teeth felt loose for about an afternoon as she ate her normal lunch! What a trooper! We are now @ 18 months away from completion!
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Dana said...

Wow, Hayden must be a tough cookie! Kyle (15 years old, 5 foot 11, 185 pounds) has to take Motrin for 3 days after a tightening and can't eat anything! He has such sensitive teeth. He can get hit in the kneecap by a baseball and be back up in 5 minutes, but cannot bounce back quickly from the ortho.

Anonymous said...

wowza! blue!! that looks so cool!

it is cool? isn't it?

Anonymous said...

Yes, I think it's much cooler now then when we were going through it! I wonder if it's still geeky to have a head gear?

Hayden, you're looking good!

Kris said...

That looks absolutely horrifying! I forgot how bad it was to have braces. Although it was much worse in our day. I'm not looking forward to going through this with my kids.

Dana said...

Oh my gosh...I just noticed Hayden's darling freckles! She is TOO CUTE I tell you...TOO CUTE!!!